Origins of the Ghoul: #2241

Amidst the cold winds and the looming shadows of the forgotten city, an unusual figure patrols with an unerring sense of duty, a ghoul known only as #2241. Despite the state of decay that clings to his undead form, he is easily distinguished by his worn police jacket, wild hair and a polished monocle that sparkles ominously in the dim, somber lighting of the city.

A Past Enshrouded in Mystery

Once a respected officer of the law, #2241's previous life was abruptly stripped away by a cruel twist of fate, transforming him into the ghoul he is today. No one knows the details about the tragic incident that led to his transformation, but whispers of a forbidden ritual gone awry, a desperate attempt to save a dying city, float around.

Unnatural Qualities

Despite his undead state, #2241 possesses abilities far beyond ordinary ghouls. His eyes, or rather, the singular eye visible beneath the shining monocle, sees more than just the physical world. It uncovers hidden truths, sees through illusions, and detects the faintest signs of danger before it even emerges. His wild hair is said to be imbued with an ancient power, giving him strength and resilience beyond ordinary beings.

Unbroken Spirit

His past life's experiences as a police officer have not left him. Even in death, #2241's commitment to maintaining order and justice within the city remains unscathed. Each night, he walks the deserted city streets, his boots echoing hauntingly off the abandoned buildings.

Ever-watchful Guardian

The ghoul's presence, though eerie, brings an odd sense of security. The few remaining denizens of the city rest easier knowing that #2241 is keeping watch, his police jacket a stark reminder of his unfaltering dedication. His story, while tragic and filled with sorrow, is also one of hope, reminding all that duty and valor persist, even in the face of death.

Graveyard army

Undead Loyalty

Held since Jun. 24th 2024 06:53:36.

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