The Tale of #2566: The Vampire Farmer

The existence of #2566 is a tale as old as time itself, a cryptic undead character, an enigma of death masked by life's mundane chores. The vampire known as #2566 is unlike any other, a being that challenges the traditional narratives of darkness and horror associated with his kind.


Donned in simple farmer's overalls and a straw hat, #2566 is a head-turning figure. His monocle glistening under the moonlight, adding an air of sophistication, contrasting his otherwise humble attire. His face is obscured by a long, rugged beard, the kind that speaks of countless centuries and untold stories.


As a human, #2566 was once a farmer, an honest man who took pride in his work. His transformation into an undead came as an act of desperation, of seeking an eternal life to protect his land. But with the curse, came the freedom from the humanly chains of fatigue and mortality.

Skills and Talents

Beyond his agricultural expertise, #2566's vampiric nature bestowed upon him a vast array of skills that make him a formidable figure. His strength and speed far surpass those of any mortal, giving him an advantage in anything he lays his hands on. Combined with his weathered wisdom and experience, he is a master strategist, a philosopher, and a guide to many.

Past Life

In his past, #2566 had been many things. A farmer, a scholar, a protector. He has seen the rise and fall of empires, the birth and extinction of species, and yet, he continues his humble existence, living through the paradox of his immortal life. By day, he is merely a farmer tending his fields. By night, he is a vampire, basking in the solitude bestowed by the darkness.

Present Life

The unique blend of his humble profession and dark existence offers a fascinating tale. His curse has become his strength, the night his ally. #2566's journey is a testament to the endurance of spirit, the acceptance of fate, and the will to find purpose amidst chaos. The tale of the Vampire Farmer, a testament to an undead fighting not only for his survival but also his humanity, is just beginning.

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Undead Loyalty

Held since Aug. 21st 2024 10:38:09.

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