The Stone Skeleton: Chronicles of #3640

Deep within the heart of the underworld, where darkness consumes all light, and silence reigns with an iron fist, there exists a chilling presence. A timeless creature, embedded in the annals of the netherworld's history, known only by its cryptic alias: #3640. Clad in the unconventional garb of the mortal plane; a tee, a snapback, and a monocle, this stone skeleton roams the gloomy corridors of the realm of the deceased.

A Life in Stone

Once a master stonemason, #3640's earthly days were immersed in his craft. His hands intricately carved grandeur from cold, unfeeling stone. His talents were evident in every structure he graced, the stone seemingly bending to his creative will, each piece a testament to his remarkable abilities. His talent was not merely a skill, but a genuine work of art.

An Unanticipated Ending

But, life as he knew it, was snuffed out in an unexpected catastrophe. A monstrous tempest tore through his peaceful hamlet, reducing everything to rubble. In the wreckage, he found himself transformed, his flesh replaced by the stone he so loved.

A New Existence

As fate would have it, death was not the end for #3640. His soul was bound to his stone form, giving him an existence beyond death. He awoke in an eternal twilight, his body a hollow, stony shell. His tee, snapback, and monocle were his only remnants of a life once lived. And thus, began his new existence as an undead, a stone skeleton wandering the timeless corridors of the underworld.

#3640: The Stone Skeleton

Bound to his new existence, #3640 uses his mastery over stone to navigate the underworld. His creations echoing through the eerie silence of his realm. His skills serve as his tools, his artistry his only source of solace. He is no ordinary undead, he is the stone skeleton, a testament to the enduring spirit of creativity, a timeless symbol of the artistic soul, a memorable mark within the history of the undead.

Graveyard army

Undead Loyalty

Held since Jun. 21st 2024 04:18:43.

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