#3821 - The Inferno from Beyond

#3821 wasn’t always known as Inferno. Once he was a fearsome pirate, sailing the seven seas. His real name? Lost to memory. His deeds? Echoed in the chilling tales told in hushed whispers in the shadowy corners of seedy taverns.

The Pirate Life

He was a pirate unlike any other, donned in a rugged cowboy hat. He wore his pirate jacket like a second skin, the silver buttons shining ominously in the dim light. A coarse beard clung to his chin, a symbol of his fearsome reputation. His skills were unparalleled - an exceptional navigator, a ruthless combatant, and a cunning strategist. His name inspired dread among his foes and respect among his peers.

Dead Man's Curse

But every sea has its storms and every tale has its turning point. For him, it was the dreaded Dead Man's Curse. A phantom ship, an ethereal crew, and a cursed treasure brought him down to the locker. He was transformed, his soul bound to the skeleton that now wore his pirate's jacket and cowboy's hat.

Eternal Inferno

Dead, but not defeated, he rose again. Embracing his fate, he adopted the name Inferno. A name as fiery and relentless as the spirit that drove him. His curse became his strength. He was reborn, no longer a man, but a living legend. His once human hands were now capable of summoning flames, molding them into weapons, shields, anything his eternal battle required.


His story is one of adventure, danger, and an unyielding spirit. His journey from a mortal pirate to an immortal Inferno stands as a testament to his will. And so, the legend of #3821, the Inferno with a pirate jacket and a cowboy hat, continues to burn, searing his mark into the annals of the undead world.

Graveyard army

Undead Loyalty

Held since Jan. 23rd 2024 20:42:46.

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