The Phantom in The Shark Onesie

From the depths of the underworld, a phantom arose, not like any other, known only as #6051. The enigma of his existence was as wild as his hair, a ruffled mane which sat atop his transparent head in a blaze of riotous chaos. His sartorial choice was a blend of absurdity and endearing charm - a shark onesie. It was not just a costume, but a symbol of his past life, a sardonic reminder of his former years.

#6051 was once a famed fisherman in the small coastal town of Nargoth. His days were spent battling the great beasts of the deep sea, his nights filled with tales of giant squids and mythical sea serpents. His courage was as legendary as his tales, his skills unmatched by any sailor or pirate.

But, a single puff of a cigarette would change everything. It was not just a mere stick of tobacco; it was laden with a dark curse. The cigarette was an offering from an enchantress, his lover, who bore a grudge against him. Consumed by the curse, #6051 was transformed into a phantom, doomed to wander the land of the living, forever longing for the salty sea breeze and the thrill of the deadly catch.

In this spectral form, #6051 developed new skills, as terrifying as they were fascinating. He could slip through the thinnest crevices, float in the air, and move objects without touching them. However, his most remarkable talent was his ability to transform his form at will. Drawing upon his days as a fisherman, he chose the form that he felt most connected him to his past - a shark onesie.

Decked in his shark attire and carrying the eternal flame of his cigarette, Phantom #6051 roams the netherworld, his existence a roiling mix of peculiar charm and haunting melancholy. Though his past weighs heavily on his spectral shoulders, he is determined to make the best of his afterlife, spinning tales of his exploits amongst the living to his undead audience and reminding them all - even in death, life goes on.

Graveyard army

Undead Loyalty

Held since Feb. 1st 2024 03:44:39.

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