The Phantom of the Seas: #6116

In a time where the undead roamed the earth, there was one that stood out amongst the rest. Known only by his haunting identification, #6116, he was a phantom who wore the garb of a marine soldier, his attire completed with a beanie, concealing the horrors of undeath. Around his neck, he carried an accessory that bore a stark contrast to his spectral existence - a pair of headphones.

Previous Life

Prior to his spectral transformation, #6116 was a high-ranking marine officer, his heart beating with unyielding bravery and unwavering loyalty to his unit. His courage was only matched by his cunning, as he devised battle strategies that never failed his comrades. His life was the sea; the rhythm of the waves was the music he danced to, his symphony of life.

The Transformation

The day #6116 met his mortal end was a day like any other, the marine jacket on his shoulders, the beanie on his head, and the headphones around his neck. He was leading a mission on the high seas when a sudden storm capsized his vessel. The sea claimed him, but the man who never bowed to any adversity in life didn't bow to death either. He came back, different, transformed. He became the phantom known as #6116.

A New Existence

In his spectral form, #6116 discovered new talents, the most significant of them being the ability to manipulate the energies around him. His marine jacket became his mantle of power, his beanie a shield that concealed his spectral form, and his headphones the instrument that controlled his newfound abilities. Now, he roams the earth, exploring the limits of his existence, and the extent to which his undead life will lead him.

Few encounter him, and those who do, tell tales of a phantom who walks in the shadows of the night, his marine jacket a symbol of his past, his headphones a reminder of his love for the seas, and his spectral form a representation of the lonely eternity he’s doomed to wander.


No one knows what fate has in store for #6116. But one thing's for sure, he's not a phantom to be trifled with. The former marine officer who now commands the spectral energies, the undead soldier of the seas, continues his eternal voyage, with his marine jacket, beanie, and headphones as his only companions in his spectral solitude.

Graveyard army

Undead Loyalty

Held since Feb. 25th 2024 09:02:23.

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