The Undying Outlaw: Tale of #7130

Once upon a time, in the dusty sand-swept stretches of the Wild West, a tale as old as the hills themselves began to stir yet again. It is the tale of #7130, the Undead Cowboy, a figure of eerie silence and deadly accuracy. Clad in traditional cowboy attire with a defining black cap, #7130 was not your average gunslinger. He was and is a zombie, with a fearsome reputation that spread far and wide.

A Past Life

Before the curse of undeath fell upon him, #7130 was known as Silas McAllister, a simple cattle rancher with a penchant for harmonica tunes. His days were spent under the blazing sun, herding cattle and keeping trespassers at bay. His nights, however, were filled with dreams of adventure and glory, fuelled by the tales of legendary gunslingers and outlaws he'd heard around the campfire.

Talents Unveiled

One fateful night, his peaceful life was shattered when a roving band of outlaws descended on his homestead. With nothing but his trusty revolver, Silas found a skill he didn’t know he possessed. He put down six outlaws that night, a bullet for each from the shadows. The ordeal earned him his black cap, a tribute from the local sheriff, and a taste for justice. But it also painted a target on his back.

The Curse

The leader of the outlaws, a vile necromancer masking as a gunslinger, cast a curse on Silas as an act of revenge. Silas succumbed, but the tale of #7130 was just beginning. He woke from death a changed man, or rather, a changed entity. Now a zombie, he found he no longer aged and no injury could fell him. The necromancer's curse had backfired, creating an eternal guardian of justice.

#7130: The Zombie Cowboy

Adopting the name #7130, in reference to the seven outlaws and the thirteen bullets he'd used that night, Silas continued his fight for justice. His unliving status, black cap, and ever-watchful monocle became symbols of hope for the oppressed and fear for the wicked. His headphones streaming endless harmonica tunes kept him company in the lonesome nights, a reminder of a life once lived.

Present Day

Today, #7130 continues to roam the Wild West, his legend growing with each outlaw he brings to justice. His black-capped silhouette against the setting sun, the soft hum of harmonica music preceding his arrival, is a sight that brings relief to the innocent and dread to the guilty. The Undying Outlaw, the Zombie Cowboy, #7130 serves as an eternal symbol of justice, undying, unwavering, and unstoppable.

Graveyard army

Undead Loyalty

Held since Aug. 17th 2024 04:49:18.

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